Reportedly the total number of V-150 owned by the Army reached 200 units. And Indonesia directly into V-150 users in the world after Saudi Arabia. ASEAN neighboring countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore also have this type of APCs. In general, the shape of the body between the above variants are relatively common. The sides of the body deliberately constructed angle, it holds energy waves from the explosion when the minefield bulldoze APCs.
Adopt any type of tire run flat technology, meaning that when a flat tire, APCs can still go up to a distance of 80 kilometers. Not only that, although not equipped with a propeller, V 150 has the ability to wade through the water. Strength comes from the wheels when in the water. Between versions of the V-150 is actually only distinguishable on its dome shape.

In addition to combat missions in the country, V 150 YonKav 7 has also been sent to reinforce the UN peacekeeping mission in Cambodia. V 150 APCs also be relied upon to take action against the violent mob, is evidenced at the time of the riots in May 1998, V 150 which supports the PHH (Anti Riot Forces) equipped with barbed wire around the body.
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