indonesianmilitaryvehicle - PT Pindad (Persero) is getting busy to accept the offer or order types Anoa armored combat car, one of Malaysia. The neighbor country hopes to soon bring 32 units worth billions of rupiah. Panzer Anoa is one of the leading armored vehicle products State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), based in London. PINDAD itself is a manufacturing company that provides a variety of products such as engine generators, weapons, combat vehicles, ammunition for the military.
According to the Managing Director PINDAD, sister Avianto Sudarsono, process orders deal with Malaysia has gone through stages from concept, sending delegations Malaysia to Indonesia, testing, certification to negotiation stages. So live a longer process, ie the process of administration. We are just waiting for a legal binding and unconditional contract offer (unconditional letter of offer) from the Malaysian side. Furthermore sister explained, it can not produce Panzer Anoa Malaysia when the last order was not implemented. Because this involves the licensing procedure or inter-state purchase of military equipment. "Malaysia is asking Panzer Anoa 32 units can be shipped this year. But we do not want that the administrative process has not been met, because most production Panzer just need time 2 months. Which brings the old parts, rims with a time of 8 months," he said.
Besides Malaysia, the sister said, Afghanistan had ordered Panzer Anoa made Bandung. He admitted, Panzer specification requirements of each country varies depending on the strategy adopted by the attack. "The needs of every country is different from each other. Afghanistan for example, in their Panzer message, we have to add to the tools that can produce drinking water. Unisex who need radio tape and the other," he said.

Panzer Anoa has several variant types. For instance produced Panzer Anoa 6x6 with 6 wheels symmetrical drive system and is designed specifically for the needs of defense equipment in particular Army cavalry unit. Designed and produced by the nation's children, the size and shape adapted to the operational Panzer TNI, TNI combat doctrine and tactics. APCs are equipped with weapons mounting 12.7 millimeters (mm) and can rotate 360 degrees it can carry 10 personnel with 3 crews, 1 driver, 1 commander and 1 gunner.
Anoa armored 6X6 is Pindad which has produced almost 200 units. 6 combat vehicle designed this variant, adopted French-made armored vehicles. The vehicle was initially doubtful reliability, has now become an idol for the military in Indonesia. Marketed starting price of USD 8 billion per unit, Anoa has been designed by 7 variants of the variant ambulance, personnel carrier (APC), command, logistics fuel, munitions logistics, mortar carrier 80.